Registry, ActiveX, ComObj, ShlObj; type ShortcutType = (_DESKTOP, _QUICKLAUNCH, _SENDTO, _STARTMENU, _OTHERFOLDER); function CreateShortcut(SourceFileName: string; // the file the shortcut points to Location: ShortcutType; // shortcut location SubFolder, // subfolder of location WorkingDir, // working directory property of the shortcut Parameters, Description: string): // description property of the shortcut string; const SHELL_FOLDERS_ROOT = 'Software\MicroSoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer'; QUICK_LAUNCH_ROOT = 'Software\MicroSoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\GrpConv'; var MyObject: IUnknown; MySLink: IShellLink; MyPFile: IPersistFile; Directory, LinkName: string; WFileName: WideString; Reg: TRegIniFile; begin MyObject := CreateComObject(CLSID_ShellLink); MySLink := MyObject as IShellLink; MyPFile := MyObject as IPersistFile; MySLink.SetPath(PChar(SourceFileName)); MySLink.SetArguments(PChar(Parameters)); MySLink.SetDescription(PChar(Description)); LinkName := ChangeFileExt(SourceFileName, '.lnk'); LinkName := ExtractFileName(LinkName); // Quicklauch if Location = _QUICKLAUNCH then begin Reg := TRegIniFile.Create(QUICK_LAUNCH_ROOT); try Directory := Reg.ReadString('MapGroups', 'Quick Launch', ''); finally Reg.Free; end; end else // Other locations begin Reg := TRegIniFile.Create(SHELL_FOLDERS_ROOT); try case Location of _OTHERFOLDER : Directory := SubFolder; _DESKTOP : Directory := Reg.ReadString('Shell Folders', 'Desktop', ''); _STARTMENU : Directory := Reg.ReadString('Shell Folders', 'Start Menu', ''); _SENDTO : Directory := Reg.ReadString('Shell Folders', 'SendTo', ''); end; finally Reg.Free; end; end; if Directory <> '' then begin if (SubFolder <> '') and (Location <> _OTHERFOLDER) then WFileName := Directory + '\' + SubFolder + '\' + LinkName else WFileName := Directory + '\' + LinkName; if WorkingDir = '' then MySLink.SetWorkingDirectory(PChar(ExtractFilePath(SourceFileName))) else MySLink.SetWorkingDirectory(PChar(WorkingDir)); MyPFile.Save(PWChar(WFileName), False); Result := WFileName; end; end; function GetProgramDir: string; var reg: TRegistry; begin reg := TRegistry.Create; try reg.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; reg.OpenKey('Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders', False); Result := reg.ReadString('Programs'); reg.CloseKey; finally reg.Free; end; end; // Some examples: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); const PROGR = 'c:\YourProgram.exe'; var resPath: string; begin //Create a Shortcut in the Quckick launch toolbar CreateShortcut(PROGR, _QUICKLAUNCH, '','','','Description'); //Create a Shortcut on the Desktop CreateShortcut(PROGR, _DESKTOP, '','','','Description'); //Create a Shortcut in the Startmenu /"Programs"-Folder resPath := CreateShortcut(PROGR, _OTHERFOLDER, GetProgramDir,'','','Description'); if resPath <> '' then begin ShowMessage('Shortcut Successfully created in: ' + resPath); end; end;