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델파이 소켓 이벤트

델파이 기본 소켓 (TClientSocket / TServerSocket)에 프록시를 추가하여
커스텀 소켓을 만드는 과정에서 소켓 이벤트 관련하여 찾은 자료중의 일부입니다.

TSocketEvent = (

 Value  Meaning  
 seLookup  (Client sockets only) The Windows socket object is about to locate the server socket. Changing the properties of the client socket has no effect at this point, but changes to the Windows socket object specified by the Socket parameter will affect the attempter connection.
 seConnecting  (Client sockets only) The server socket has been located but the connection isn't completed. This is the first opportunity to obtain the actual server port IP address used for the connection, which may differ from those of the listening by the Socket parameter will the listening connection.
 seConnect  The socket connection has just been established. This is the point when a socket starts reading or writing over the connection.
 seListen   (Server sockets only) The Windows socket object has been initialized and is about to open a listening connection. Changing the properties of the server socket has no effect at this point, but changes to the Windows socket object specified by the Socket parameter will the listening connection. 
 seAccept  (Server sockets only) A client connection request has just been accepted. This is the first opportunity to obtain the port and IP address of the individual client connection. 
 seWrite  The socket is ready for information to be written. 
 seRead  The socket is receiving information from a socket on the other end of the connection. 

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